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Voucher registration

All bookkeeping is based on vouchers. Xena makes it easy to manage vouchers by storing them and suggesting necessary information.


Voucher registration starts in the Inbox, where you can find all vouchers that have not yet been booked. These may include:

Voucher registration includes special shortcut keys that make it easier to navigate the voucher. See a full list of shortcuts here: Shortcuts.

Post, Share, or Set Approval Rules

You can post vouchers if you have the necessary rights. Alternatively, you can fill in as much information as possible and then transfer the voucher to another user.

Approval rules can be set so that vouchers are automatically transferred to another user's Inbox if you do not have the rights to approve the entire voucher or parts of it.

When a voucher is posted via voucher registration, the voucher number is assigned based on the selected journal of the user performing the booking. Journals are created via the menu: Setup > Ledger Setup > Ledgers.

Vouchers are divided into 4 sections

1: Voucher Information

This section is called Description and contains all the basic details about the voucher. Many details are automatically registered by Xena, as all vouchers are scanned upon arrival in the Inbox.

The top text in this section is automatically suggested for subsequent posting lines. Therefore, it is a good idea to write a comprehensive description of the voucher. The text is also saved in the document, making it easier to search for later. See also: Document Management.

If the supplier has not been created, you can create it directly by clicking the "+" symbol in the Partner field. Even for cash vouchers, such as a receipt from a bakery, it is recommended to create the supplier to make it easier to find the document later.

It is important to enter the supplier's VAT number so that Xena can recognize the supplier on vouchers. Be aware of the following:

  • Ensure that the same VAT number is not entered for multiple suppliers.
  • Before deactivating a supplier, first delete the VAT number from the supplier record.

If you later wish to transfer an invoice payment to your bank, a supplier must be selected. Once a supplier is chosen, fields for Supplier Invoice No., Payment Date, and Payment ID will also appear.

Sektionen Beskrivelse i bilagsregistrering i Xena

2: Order Cost Registration

In the Order Costs section, you can add expense lines to sales orders. This section is only displayed if at least one project has been created in your fiscal. Here, you select the order task, cost type, description, etc. The amount is entered excluding VAT in the relevant fields.

The tasks displayed in the list depend on their status and whether they are set up to be shown in bookkeeping. Read more about task status here.

Use the Edit All and Clear List buttons to modify or remove order costs from the voucher in bulk.

Learn more about voucher registration for sales orders, approval flows and sales price calculations here: Voucher Registration for Sales Orders.

Read more about creating order costs via electronic invoices here: Electronic Invoice Voucher Registration.

Sektionen Ordreomkostninger i bilagsregistrering i Xena

3: Financial Posting (including payment)

In the Accounting section, you define how the voucher is posted in your financial accounts. Select or create a financial account, optionally add a description, and enter the amount including VAT.

If a supplier is selected on the voucher and you usually book invoices from this supplier to the same financial account, you can check the box: Save bookkeeping details for this partner.

If the invoice has already been paid, click the amount field next to the account from which the payment was withdrawn. The total voucher amount is automatically inserted. For partial payments, you can adjust the amount, and the remaining balance will automatically be recorded as payable to the supplier after booking.

If you have specified a payment date at the top of the Description section, this will be used as the booking date for the payment account. Otherwise, the voucher date will be used.

If the invoice was received in a foreign currency, there may be a difference between the sender's exchange rate and the exchange rate in your accounts. To balance an exchange rate difference, follow these steps:

  1. Enter the paid amount in the relevant payment account.
  2. Click Adjust Exchange Rate.
  3. The system will now automatically adjust the invoice amount according to the paid mount.

Sektionen Kontering og Betaling i bilagsregistrering i Xena

4: Results and Bookkeeping

The Result section appears at the bottom of the voucher and provides an overview of bookkeeping results as well as any warnings or errors.

  • Errors are shown in red. Vouchers with errors cannot be booked.
  • Warnings are shown in yellow. Vouchers with warnings can still be booked.

If there is a difference of up to 0.49 øre, it is automatically considered a rounding adjustment and posted to the System Difference account.

Click Bookkeep or use the bookkeep icon at the top to book the parts of the voucher you have the rights to. If the voucher contains elements that require approval from another user, it is automatically sent to their Inbox for final approval.

Sektionen Resultat og Bogføring i bilagsregistrering i Xena
