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Cost registration for orders

In the 'Cost registration' menu, you can register both product consumption and hourly consumption.

To use cost registration, you need to have the EG Pro+ app installed, which can be found in the Xena Appstore. This guide assumes that it is installed.


You can find the project ledger for registering order cost in the menu Project/Sales > Cost Registration.

If you want to create additional project drafts, you can do so via the menu Setup > Project Setup > Project Ledgers. If you use the EG Go app to register goods and time, they will always be transferred to the 'Standard' draft.


Project Ledger

Here are the key fields to fill in when registering in the project draft:

  • Type: Choose between Default (goods and other) or Employee.
  • Cost Type: Used for statistics on orders/projects. You can associate an article group with each cost type and specify the desired coverage ratio, both of which are used for registrations without an article number.
  • Resource: For this type of registration, you also need to select an employee. The employee defines the cost/selling price. Get guidance on price setup here.
  • Activity Type: When using the type Employee, you also need to select an activity type. This is where the item number and other important details for the registration are retrieved from.
  • Article: The article number is retrieved from the selected activity type. You can freely choose article numbers on other lines. If you have selected an article group on the cost type, you do not need to enter an article number.
  • Order Task: Select the task on which the registration should be posted. When you select a task, the name of the order responsible is displayed below. If you click on the link, the corresponding order will open. You cannot search for orders where an associated project has a 'Closed Date.' In this case, you can directly register the cost of the order in the 'Costs' tab.
  • Quantity/Cost/Sales: The ability to enter values in these fields depends on the line type and whether the selected article has stock management or not.


See an example of registrations below:

  • Line 1 shows that the selected task has been invoiced.
  • Line 2 shows that a note has been entered. You can view/edit the note by clicking on the icon.
  • Line 3 shows that a document is attached. Click on the icon to view a thumbnail of the document.

Registrering i projektkladden i Xena



Shortcut Keys in the Draft
  • Delete Line = Ctrl + minus key on your keyboard
  • Insert Line = Ctrl + plus key on your keyboard



All costs need to be approved before they are finally registered on the orders. This is done via the 'Approval' tab. If the account is set to require approval by the responsible person on the order, you can only approve lines for your own orders.

During approval, there are only a few fields that can be edited. Other fields need to be edited via the 'Draft' tab.



By default, the last 14 days are shown, but you can select a longer period. If you select a period of 14 days or less, you can also view previously approved registrations and the total number of hours per employee for the last 14 days.



To reconcile the number of hours per employee, you can print the 'Resource posts' report, which can be found in the menu Reports > Project. This report also shows unapproved registrations. If you print the report as a PDF, the total per employee will be displayed.



At the top, you can apply filters, for example, for a specific employee, so that you only approve hours for one employee at a time. Alternatively, you can select the user in the 'Created by' field. Then you can see all registrations made by this user, both hours and goods. You can also choose a specific order to only approve registrations for that order.



Note that there may be recorded costs on an already invoiced task. In that case, a warning will be displayed at the bottom. You can see if the task is invoiced by checking for a small icon in the order task field.

Select the registrations you want to approve and click the 'Approve selected' button.

Godkend omkostninger i projektkladden i Xena


The costs are now visible on the orders

When registrations have been approved, they are displayed on the order in the 'costs' tab, and the amounts are now included in the order's total statistics.

On the 'costs' tab, you can transfer the costs to invoice lines. Read more about this billing method in the guide invoicing on Account.

Project reports contain various reports that show the costs of the orders in detailed form and as key figures.
