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By following these steps, you can create, manage, and keep track of your offers in Xena.

To customize your offers, please refer to our guide Reports and Printouts. Note that an offer, in its basic form, resembles an invoice. If you have already uploaded a logo and selected colors for your invoices, the offer form will automatically apply the same theme and logo.

Create an offer

You can find all your active offers in Xena by going to the Sales menu > Orders > Order Overview and selecting the 'Offer List' tab.

An offer starts with the creation of an order. When creating an order, choose the type 'Sales Order' and optionally select an order template if you have created one.

Brug af ordreskabelon i Xena ved oprettelse af ny ordre

At the top of the order header, fill in important data regarding the offer:

  • Select a partner, which is the customer who will receive the offer
  • It is recommended to create an order status for all your ongoing offers
  • On the 'Documents' tab, you can attach relevant images, drawings, and other documents.
  • You can create multiple tasks within the offer. For each task, enter text and add article lines
    • Enter texts in the two fields 'Description' and 'Note,' both of which will be printed on the offer.
    • Create order lines where you select article number, quantity, and price. If you don't have an article number, choose an article group instead. Additional information can be found here 

Sådan indtaster du et tilbud i Xena

Printing an offer

Once your offer is ready, you can print it or send it via email to your customer by following these steps:

  1. Go to the order menu (the three dots) and select 'Create Offer.'
  2. Enter the desired 'Date' for the offer
  3. If you only want to provide an offer for a part of the order, you can select 'Partial Offer' and choose the tasks to include
  4. Press 'Create Offer' to generate the printout or email with the offer

Sådan udskriver du et tilbud i Xena

Saving offers

To view a list of your active offers, select the menu Sales > Orders > Order Overview and choose the 'Offer List' tab.

Note that an offer is an open order that can be customized continuously. If an order is printed as an invoice or deleted, it will be removed from the offer list.

Each time you print or send an offer, it is saved on the order under the tasks and on the 'Documents' tab. If you create a new offer for the same order, a new offer with the next sequential number will be generated, and this offer will automatically become active. Only the active offer is displayed on the tasks and in the offer list.

A log of the sent offers is automatically saved for the partner. Read more about the status of sent emails and the partner's log in this guide.

Her ser du oversigten over aktive tilbud i Xena

Offers in status overview

You can also see your offers in the Sales > Status Overview menu. Note that the available status types are those specifically created in your fiscal.

You can create a status type like 'Active Offers' to keep track of offers that have not yet been accepted or rejected by your customers.

Se dine tilbud i statusoversigten i Xena
