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Order status

Regardless of the type of business you have, an efficient workflow is crucial for the quality and effectiveness of your deliveries. With Xena's order status, you get a tool that helps you control your orders, ensuring a clear overview and a proper workflow.


What is Order Status?

Order status is a visual representation of all open orders. The idea behind the system is that all orders start on the left, and as they progress through the workflow, they move to the right. When an order is invoiced and completed, it automatically disappears from the overview.

Each user has their own unique view of the order status, so the columns seen in the shipping department may vary from those seen by the salesperson or order processor. However, all employees can track pending tasks and move them forward in the process. This way, all employees can also inform customers about the progress of their orders.

Each column should represent a task to be performed or a specific status in the order process, e.g., 'To be Packed,' 'To be Called,' 'In Progress,' or 'On Hold.' It's essential for the statuses to clearly indicate what is happening or what needs to happen; otherwise, orders may get stuck, and no one will know what to do.


Manual, yet Effective

The current version of Xena's order management is manual. An order can be moved from one status to another either by selecting a new status for the order or by dragging it to another column with the mouse.

There is also an app called 'Quotify - Autostatus,' developed by Quotify, which automatically updates the order status. With this app, you can set up rules for when an order status should change and to which status. This clever tool is especially useful if you integrate it with a webshop.

Træk en opgave videre til næste statusoversigt i Xena

You change the order status of an order by drag and drop it with the mouse



Create Status Types

If no status types have been created in your account, the overview will be empty. Click on 'Create Standard' to get started quickly. Now, the default status types suggested by Xena will be displayed, except for 'Invoiced.'

If you want to change colors, text, or create entirely new status types, you can do so by selecting 'Show' (dropdown menu) and then 'Order Setup.' Here, you can edit, create, or delete status types according to your needs.

Opsætning af ordrestatustyper i Xena med farvekoder



Status Overview

You can find the order status overview in two places:

  • Sales > Order Status
  • Purchases > Order Status

In the status overview, you can choose which columns you want to see. You can also choose to display either the partner's address or the delivery address. These choices are made via the dropdown menu on the 'Show' button.

If you use inventory management, a small colored circle will show the overall delivery status of the order. Hover your mouse over the circle to see what each color means.

You can expand orders and see their underlying tasks.

In the menu (the three dots) for each order, you'll find links to actions you can perform directly from the status overview.

Det unikke ordre statusoversigt i Xena



Selecting Order Status

All new orders are automatically created with the order status that has the lowest index (usually 'Created'). Orders that existed before you activated order status will not have any status assigned. To display an order in the status overview, you need to select an order status for it.

An order can also be moved from one status to another by selecting a new status for the order.

Vælg ny ordrestatus på ordrer i xena



Status in Order Overviews

Order status is also displayed in order overviews.

By hovering your mouse over the colored circle on the right in the list, you can see the description of the current status type.

Additionally, you can use filters at the top to view only orders with the selected order statuses.

Filter på Ordrestatus i ordreoversigter i Xena
