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Order overview

Read here about the order overview in Xena and the content in the various tabs.


To get an overview of your orders in Xena, use the order overview, which includes some of the most commonly used groupings and various search and filtering options, depending on the type of orders you are working with.

When you create an order in Xena, it automatically starts in the open stage. It remains open until all lines are either deleted or invoiced, after which the order's stage is automatically set to closed.

  • Stage Closed: Everything on the order is invoiced.
  • Stage Open: There are lines that are not yet invoiced.

Xena also uses various order status codes, which are created per account. You can change these codes continuously, and they help you sort and filter your orders.

Read more: Order status

Delivered/Not Delivered

In the All Orders and Invoice List tabs, you can choose whether to see All, Delivered, or Not Delivered orders. An order is considered delivered if a delivery note or an invoice has been created for all the lines on the order.

  • Delivered: A delivery note or invoice has been created for the order.
  • Not Delivered: Neither a delivery note nor an invoice has been created yet.
  • All: Shows all orders, regardless of delivery status.


Tabs in the Order Overview

To make navigation in Xena easier, tabs have been created with different groupings of orders based on order stages, order status, quotations, invoicing, etc. Depending on what is displayed on the tab, there are different printing, search, and filtering options.

Below is a description of the content and options for each tab.

Offer List

Shows orders where an offer has been created. If you want further filtering of your offers, you can, for example, create an order status called 'Accepted offers' and one called 'Rejected offers'. Now you can change the status of the order as your offers are accepted or rejected, so you always have an overview of your ongoing offers.

Open Orders

In this tab, you see all orders with an open stage, i.e., orders not yet fully invoiced. Here you can, for example, search by responsible or free text search in the search field. You can also filter by order status.

Which other fields can be searched for, you will find in this guide under the section search for orders.

All Orders

Here you see all your orders, divided into orders to customers or suppliers. Here you can filter by delivery status and order status, and you can search by responsible free text search in the search field.

Which other fields can be searched for, you will find in this guide under the section search for orders.

Invoice List

In this tab, you find an overview of all the invoices you have created via an order. The column on the far left is the invoice number, but even if the order number is not displayed in the overview, you can still search for a specific order number in the 'Search' field.

If you only want to see which invoices you have created in a specific period, you enter the date filter at the top.

The overview can be printed, sent by email, or downloaded as a CSV file.

Overdue Invoices

Overview of which of your not yet paid invoices are overdue, based on the invoice's due date. At the top, you can change the 'Calculated on' date, for example, to see invoices overdue on the last day of a month.

This overview is the same as you see in the menu Sales > Reminders > Reminder Overview. You can find a guide to creating reminders here.

The overview can be downloaded as a CSV file.
