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Deactivate stock management

Good advice for deactivating stock management

The Stock Management app includes the following features:

  • Stock Management
  • Locations
  • Warehouses
  • Variants
  • Bundles

If you uninstall the app, all the above features will no longer be available in your Xena account.

In this guide, you'll find the necessary preparations before uninstalling the app.

Points 1-4 in this guide cover stock management, locations, and warehouses. Point 5 covers bundles, and point 6 covers variants.

1. Review Open Orders

Ensure that as many of your open orders as possible are both delivered and invoiced. If you have open orders you don't want to deliver and invoice, make sure they DON'T contain:

  • Articles with stock management
  • Articles with bundles
  • Variants

You can find your open orders in the Sales/Purchase menu > Orders > Order Overview, select the 'Open Orders' tab.

Invoice and deliver as many of the displayed orders as possible. You can expand each order to see if, for example, delivery has been recorded for any of the tasks on the order.

Luk åbne ordrer i Xena før lagerstyring deaktiveres


1.1 Orders with Recorded Delivery

If you have an order where you've recorded a delivery of articles but haven't invoiced yet, you can choose to delete the delivery via the order's menu. Here, select 'Delete Deliveries'.

However, if the delivery occurred in a previous accounting period, it's NOT recommended to delete the deliveries. You can see the delivery date on the 'Journals' tab on the order. Instead, wait for the invoice for the order. Once the invoice is posted to the order, the order is marked as closed.

Slet leveringer på åbne ordrer i Xena

1.2 Orders with Invoiced Articles


If you have an order where you've invoiced but haven't recorded the delivery yet, you need to either credit the invoice or record the missing deliveries. You can do both through the order's menu by selecting 'Create Delivery' or 'Credit Note'.

Lever eller krediter ordrer i Xena, hvor faktura er bogført


1.3 Deleting Inactive Orders

Perhaps you have open orders created by mistake. You can delete them by opening the order, and in the menu on the right of the order, select 'Delete'.

Slet inaktive ordrer før lagerstyring afinstalleres iXena


2. Book stock to Zero

Once you've closed all the orders you can and ensured that all orders containing stock articles, variants, or bundles are either:

  • NEITHER delivered nor invoiced, or
  • BOTH delivered and invoiced

you can move on to the next step, where you'll count all your articles to zero in stock.

Open the Stock menu > Stock Count > Create Stock Count.

  • Description = Stock Reset
  • Select = All
  • stock Date = today's date
  • Press 'Create'.

Dialog til oprettelse af en vareoptællingskladde i Xena

The draft is created, and now for all articles, you need to enter 'Count':

  • Articles where Count > 0 = Enter 0
  • Articles where Count = 0 = Skip
  • Articles where Count < 0 = Enter 0.01 (*)

Bookkeep the stock count draft via the menu. All postings generated in this process will be posted to stock consumption, with stock as the contra account.


Indtast optælling af lager så alle varer har beholdning på nul i Xena

(*) If you had articles in the draft where you had to enter 0.01 due to a negative balance, you now need to create a new counting draft, with the same selection as above.

  • The articles you had with a negative balance will be displayed with quantity = 0.01.
  • For these, you need to enter 'Count' = 0.
  • Bookkeep the counting draft.

Endelig optælling af varer med negativ beholdning i Xena


3. Check stock balance

Now, check that all your stock balances are zero and that you don't have balances on your finance accounts related to stock management.

3.1 Check stock Balances

Open the Stock menu > Reports > Stock and articles, open the 'Historical stock value' tab.

  • If the report is empty, you've reset all your articles.
  • If you still have articles in the report where the Available quantity <> 0.00, you need to create a stock count from scratch.
  • If you still have articles in the report where the Total value <> 0.00, follow the instructions here to reset the value.

Rappoprten Lagerværdi viser ingen varer, hvis alle varer er nulstillet korrekt i Xena


3.2 Check Values in the Financial Balance

Now check that all stock-related financial accounts have a zero balance for the current accounting year to date.

Before checking the values, make sure your primo postings have been recalculated.

Genberegn primoposter for kontrol af lagerværdi i balancen i Xena


  1. Then open the Ledger menu > Ledger Reports, and select the 'Fiscal Balance' tab.
  2. In the asset group, check that the accounts 'stock' and 'Goods Receipt' have no balance for Year to Date.
  3. In the liabilities group, check that the account 'stock, unpaid' has no balance for Year to Date.

If you still have a balance on any of these accounts, you either still need to close/delete an open order, or you still have articles with a balance or value <> 0. Go through all previous points again.

Lageret er nu nulstillet i finansmodulet i Xena


4. Disable Stock Management

The last step is to disable stock management for all your articles. You can always see current articles with stock management via the Stock menu > Articles > Article Overview, open the 'Available articles' tab.

You can disable stock management directly for each article, or you can disable stock management in batches via the article groups the stock articles are attached to.

4.1 Disable via the articles

Open the article via the overview.

  • At the top, select the 'Stock Management' tab.
  • Click the 'Deactivate Stock Management' link.

Now, all details are removed from the tab, and you can move on to the next article.

Deaktivering af lagerstyring på en vare i Xena

4.2 Disable via the article Groups

Your article groups are found in the Setup menu > article setup.

  • Open the first article group.
  • Select the 'Stock Management' tab.
  • There MUST be NO checkmark in the 'articles should have stock management activated as standard' box. Remove this checkmark if it's set in the group.
  • Now, press the 'Deactivate on all articles' button.

If there are no reported errors, stock management is now disabled for all articles in this group. Now continue with the next group.

Deaktiver lagerstyring på en varegrp i Xena


4.3 Final Check

To verify that all articles have now disabled stock management, open the Stock menu > Article > Article Overview, select the 'Available articles' tab.

This list should be empty.

Lagerstyring deaktiveret på alle varer i Xena


5. Disable bundles on Articles

It is recommended that you disable bundles on all articles where you have it enabled. If you uninstall the EG Xena Stock Management app, you will no longer have access to edit or disable bundles.

When you open the article, you can see which bundles this article is included in on the 'In bundle' tab.

If you are unsure which articles you have created with bundles, you may need to create a backup. In the backup, you will find the file 'ArticleDto.CSV'. Open the file with Excel. In the column named 'IsBundle', there will be TRUE if the article has a bundle enabled.

To disable a bundle, you need to open each article, and in the article's menu, select 'Disable bundles'.

Se om en vare har aktiveret stykliste i Xena

6. Delete Variants on Articles

It is recommended that you delete the variants you have enabled on your articles. If you uninstall the EG Xena Stock Management app, you will no longer have access to edit or remove them.

If you are unsure which articles you have created with variants, you may need to create a backup. In the backup, you will find the file 'ArticleDto.CSV'. Open the file with Excel. In the column named 'HasVariants', there will be TRUE if the article has variants added.

To remove variants, you need to open each article. At the bottom, select the 'Variants' tab, and for each variant, open the menu and select 'Delete'.

Se om en vare har varianter aktiveret i Xena
