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A bundle is a list of articles that make up a finished product. It can be a set consisting of a bucket and a broom.

The Stock Management app provides access to bundles and can be installed through the Xena Appstore. This guide assumes that the app is already installed.


Create bundle

First, make sure you have created the articles that need to be added to your bundle.

For example, if you want to sell article A and article B as a set, you need to create these two articles in your accounting system through the Purchase/Sales > article >Create article.

Once the 2 articles are created, you can create the bundle:

  1. Create the bundle as a regular article. Let's call it 'A+B'
  2. Select the 'Bundle' tab and click on the 'Activate bundle' button
  3. Add the articles you want to include in the bundle
  4. Remember to specify the required quantity for each article

At the bottom, the calculated Sales price (DKK 650.00) and Cost price (DKK 330.00) based on the added articles in the bundle will be displayed. Now you have an idea of what your bundle should cost.

Once you have specified the desired sales price for the bundle, it will also be displayed on the 'Bundle' tab, and a profit (GP) for the article will be calculated.

Oprettelse af en stykliste i Xena


Note the following

If you see prices displayed as 0.00 followed by a small "1", it means that multiple default prices have been set for the article.

You can resolve this in one of the following ways:

  • Include both a start date and an end date for the default price (can be 31.12.2099).
  • Delete old prices, so that only one active default price remains.

For bundle articles, you can not activate stock management, and it is also not possible to add a bundle to another bundle.


Tab 'In bundles'

To see in which bundle(s) a current article has been added to, open the article and select the 'In Bundle' tab. From here, you can navigate to the bundle article through the menu next to the line (the 3 dots).

Oversigt over hvilke varer en stykliste er tilføjet til i Xena



Bundle on an order

When you select the bundle on an order line, you can expand the line and see the articles that have been added to the bundle.

When bundles are sold through orders, it is the articles linked to the bundle that are sold. If you are using stock management, the articles in the bundle will be deducted from the stock.

Udfold en stykliste på en ordre i Xena
