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In the archive, you can import data from your previous accounting system, making these available in Xena.


The archive enables efficient handling of data from previous accounting systems without adding unnecessary information to your new fiscal n Xena. The data you import into the archive serves as suggested data in Xena, making the creation of new customers and suppliers faster and more efficient.

It's not always practical to transfer all old data directly to a newl system. By using the Archive in Xena, you avoid cluttering your new fiscal with unnecessary data. Additionally, it can be a complex task to adapt and create data directly from one system to another.


The Archive

You can find the archive in the menu under Setup > Import/Export Data > Archive.

The archive does not directly affect your Xena fiscal. You can import, delete, and reimport data in the archive without impacting the fiscal.

Sådan ser startbilledet ud i Arkivet i Xena



Manual import

Use the 'Manual Import' function to transfer data from a CSV file. If you have data in Excel, save your Excel sheet as a CSV file. Note that Excel can format numbers and dates, so be careful when importing into the archive to avoid incorrect data imports.

The following data can be imported:

  • Ledger accounts
  • Articles (if the article file contains article groups, these are created automatically)
  • Article groups
  • Customers Suppliers

NOTE: Importing the LedgerAccounts: Avoid importing headers and total accounts. Xena has predefined financial groups that need to be assigned to each financial account after the import. These are automatically used for headers/total accounts.

NOTE: Importing articles: You can also import articles directly into your Xena fiscal without using the Archive if you want to create all your articles in your fiscal at once.

Note: Importing customers/suppliers: Since the data loaded in the archive can be filtered during the various import processes, it is recommended to create two separate manual import processes for suppliers and customers.

  1. Start by clicking 'Manual Import'
  2. A box with a start date/time is created. Here you can, for example, import your suppliers
  3. Once the suppliers are imported, click 'Manual Import' again
  4. A new box with a new start date/time is created, and here you import your customers


Start Import

To start the data import, follow these steps:

  1. Click 'Manual Import'
  2. An archive box is created with a start date/time
  3. Click 'Import' next to each data type
  4. Select the file you want to import and specify the format and other relevant information at the top of the dialog
  5. Assign the columns in your file to the fields in Xena
  6. Check the preview at the bottom to ensure the columns are correctly mapped
  7. If everything looks correct, start the import.

Below is an example of a completed dialog for importing suppliers.

Dialog udfyldt i Arkivet i Xena, til import af leverandører


As the data is imported, the status 'Completed' is shown next to the data type.

Her ses processen for import til arkivet i Xena



SAF-T Import

This import function is used to import data from an SAF-T file. This file is in XML format and contains all types of fiscal data and accounting data.

In the current version of the import from SAF-T, we only import the information in the Header. Therefore, you currently cannot use this import process to import actual fiscal data. We will continuously add additional data that can be imported from SAF-T files.

Import af SAF-T fil til arkivet i Xena



Using Imported Data

All the data you import is added to the top in the Archive, in the 'Archive' box. Here, you will find the tabs for 'Ledger accounts,' 'Article Groups,' 'Articles,' and 'Partner.'

For each of these tabs, you can filter the data by the import processes you've performed. If you've imported suppliers and customers through two separate import processes, you can filter them separately on the 'Partner' tab.


Ledger accounts Tab

On the 'Ledger accounts' tab, all imported financial accounts are displayed. To use the imported chart of accounts as a new "suggested chart of accounts," each imported account needs to be associated with a financial group:

  1. Select 'Edit' (double-click anywhere in the list or select the pencil icon at the top of the menu)
  2. Assign a financial group for each account
  3. You can now link the account to an existing account or create a new financial account by following these steps:
      1. Enter the account number in the 'Linked with' field
      2. If there is no account with the current number, click the plus icon in the field
      3. Complete the dialog with the necessary information to create the account
      4. Don't forget to select a tax code if tax should be accounted for on the account.

Overfør finanskonti fra arkivet til kontoplanen i Xena



Article Groups Tab

From this tab, you can create desired article groups in your accounts. Article groups are VERY important in Xena. See the guide for article groups here: Article Groups.

After creating the article group in Xena, you can create all the articles in the group with a single click. Press the menu (the 3 dots) next to each group and select 'Link all articles.'

Import af varegrupper til arkivet i Xena



Articles Tab

Here, you can create imported articles one by one. If you have many articles, it is much faster to create them from the 'Article Groups' tab, as described above.

Import af varer til arkivet i Xena



Partner Tab

On the 'Partner' tab, you create customers and suppliers. Xena suggests creation based on data from the archive if recognized. For example, if you search for a previous customer number and it's recognized from the archive, Xena will suggest creating the customer with the imported data from the Archive.

Note that you can use filters to distinguish between customers and suppliers if they are imported through two different processes.

Brug af filter i arkivet i Xena



Functions in the archive

Next to each imported data type, you can choose 'Reset' from the menu. A warning will appear that if you proceed, the imported data of the selected type will be deleted from the archive.

I arkivet i Xena kan du slette importen af én datatype ad gangen


You can also delete all imported data at once for each import process. Select the menu at the top of each import process box and choose 'Delete'. A warning will appear that if you proceed, all imported data associated with this import will be deleted.

Slet eh hel importprocess til arkivet på én gang i Xena


If you have imported data before October 2023, you may have data that is not directly connected to an import process. You can delete this data through the menu in the Archive box at the top of the screen.

Sletning af data indlæse til arkivet før oktober 2023 i Xena
