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Locations in Xena - A guide to creation and management

The Stock Management app includes Warehouses and Locations and can be installed via Xena Appstore. This guide assumes that it is installed.

Locations refer to specific shelves or drawers in your warehouse where you store your articles. It is a convenient way to keep track of where the articles are located so you can easily find and manage them.

If you have the same article stored in multiple places, for example, in the main warehouse, remote warehouse, and the store, it can become complex to manage. Furthermore, if you have multiple warehouse buildings with nearly identical shelves and articles, it can be challenging to keep an overview.

Xena makes it easy for you to efficiently manage your locations and articles. You can create physical warehouses with different dimensions, such as Shelf and Rack, to organize your locations.


Create warehouses

If you have multiple physical warehouses, such as a store and a main warehouse, start by creating these warehouses:

  1. Go to the menu Setup > Stock Setup and select the 'Warehouses' tab
  2. Press 'Create warehouse.'
  3. Enter a description of the warehouse, an abbreviation, and optionally an address
  4. Define the dimensions, such as Shelf and Rack, that help identify the precise location of the articles in the warehouse

Oprettelse af et lager i xena



Create locations within warehouses

It is a good idea to create a logical system for your shelves/racks. So, you may start by creating a drawing that illustrates each of your warehouses and thus name the shelves and racks.

Now you can define each individual location within the created warehouses:

  1. Go to the menu Setup > Stock Setup and select the 'Locations' tab
  2. Press the 'Create location' button
  3. Select the relevant warehouse from the dropdown menu
  4. Choose the first rack within this warehouse
  5. Below, choose the first shelf on this rack
  6. Continue creating all the shelves on this rack within this warehouse

Once all the shelves on this rack within this warehouse are created, continue in the same way with the next rack.

Oprettelse af lokation på et lager i Xena

The list of locations looks like this - with a warehouse added:

Oversigt over lokationer i Xena med lager tilføjet


Import locations within warehouses

You can also import locations per warehouse using a CSV file containing the necessary dimensions as columns, in the example above, one column with Shelf and one column with Rack:

  1. Select the menu Setup > Stock Setup, choose the 'Warehouses' tab
  2. Open the warehouse you want to import locations to
  3. At the bottom, press the 'Import' button
  4. A new screen opens, where you select the file at the top
  5. For each column in the file, choose the dimension that matches it
  6. Press the 'Import' button to start the import

Importer lokationer til et lager i Xena



Create locations without warehouses

If you do not have multiple physical warehouses, you can proceed directly to creating locations without defining dimensions beforehand.

  1. Go to the menu Setup > Stock Setup and select the 'Locations' tab
  2. Press the 'Create location' button
  3. Name your locations

Example of a location created without a warehouse:

Opret lokation i Xena uden lager

The list of locations looks like this - without a warehouse:

Oversigt over lokationer i Xena uden lagre


Import locations without warehouses

You can also import locations without warehouses using a CSV file with named locations:

Select the menu Setup > Stock Setup, choose the 'Locations' tab

At the bottom, press the 'Import' button

A new screen opens, where you select the file at the top

Choose the column in the file to be saved as Dimension 1 in Xena

Press the 'Import' button to start the import

Importer lokationer i Xena uden lager



Associate articles with Locations

Once the locations are created, you can now associate articles with them. The same article can easily have a stock in multiple different locations.


Create articles on locations

Open the location to see the articles placed there, along with their current stock and movements.

To create an article on a location, select the 'Article Setup' tab in the box on the right

Press the 'Create' button

Fill in information about the article number, optionally minimum, and optionally Capacity

Tilføj varer på en lokation i Xena


Create locations on articles

If you open the article itself, you can see which locations this article is placed in, along with the current stock.

  1. To create a location on an article, select the 'Location Setup' tab in the box at the top
  2. Press the 'Create' button
  3. Fill in information about the Location, optionally minimum, and optionally Capacity

Tilføj lokationer på en vare i Xena


Import location setups

You can also import location setups per article using a CSV file.

The import file should be saved in CSV format and should contain the columns:

  • Article Number
  • Location
  • Minimum
  • Capacity

The file is imported as follows:

  1. Select the menu Stock > Import > Import Location Setup
  2. A new screen opens, where you select the file at the top
  3. For each column in the file, choose the dimension it should be saved as in Xena
  4. Press the 'Import' button to start the import

Importer lokationsopsætninger i Xena
