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Alias name and email

You can create your own username as an alias so that you don't have to enter your full email address during login.

If you want to create an alias, go to your user profile in Xena.

  1. Click on the user icon at the top right.
  2. Select 'My Profile' from the displayed menu.
  3. Scroll down to the bottom of your user profile where you'll find the 'Manage Alternative Users' box.
  4. Click on 'Create New Alternative User'.


In the displayed dialog box, choose a type:

Alias: Enter an alternative name that can be used as a username during login instead of your email address. An alias name can be used immediately the next time you log in to Xena.

Email: Alternative email address that can be used during login. If you choose this type, the entered alias email address must be verified first before it can be used for login in Xena. An email will be sent to the address with a link that you need to click to activate it.


Once an alias is created, it cannot be edited. You need to delete the current alias first by clicking on the trash can icon. After that, you can create new aliases.



