Data security and reliability
Using EG Xena is an investment in data security for your company
Our certificates
Certificates are your documentation that we meet the safety requirements
ISO/IEC 27001
An international standard for information security that sets out requirements for roles and responsibilities as well as continuous improvement of our security.
ISAE 3000
Documents that an independent auditor has reviewed our processes related to the processing of your data and that they are in accordance with applicable legislation.
ISAE 3402
Recognized auditing standard that confirms the security and effectiveness of our security policy, risk management, network security and contingency plans.
If you have any questions about our data security, you can always contact EG’s Data Protection Office via
Effective safety control
We have made it easy for you to secure your and your customers’ data in the best possible way.
- Passwort
- Two-factor authentication
- Encrypted data traffic

Secure backup
We protect your valuable data. Our data center makes daily backups and stores everything safely in Denmark.
- Automatic backup every day
- You control and own your data
- Make your own backup if you wish
We are trained in IT security
EG handles data for thousands of companies and organizations. We want to be a 100% trusted data partner.
- We keep the systems up to date
- Stable and secure server environment
- Our employees are trained in IT security

Frequently asked questions about data and security
What can I use the different certificates and auditor’s reports for?
Your data is one of the most valuable things we have. Therefore, you need to know that our infrastructure and processes support the requirements of a software vendor – which is documented through impartial reports. These reports are not mandatory (yet) but designed to give you the certainty of choosing a good software vendor.
We believe that our customers should have transparency when it comes to quality and reliability. You can share the reports with your own auditor, which will reduce their requirement for extra testing of our controls.
- The purpose of ISO/IEC 27001 is to achieve effective information security management and ensure that efficiency is maintained through a process of continuous improvement.
- Auditor declarations of the types ISAE 3000 and ISAE 3402 document how we comply with legal requirements and good IT practice. ISAE stands for International Standard on Assurance Engagements.
Which data processing agreements apply to my fiscal in EG Xena?
You can easily view the data processor agreement by going to Setup > Company > Legal agreements.
Do I need to do something to update EG Xena?
No, we’ll take care of that. We publish updates up to several times a month. You can read our product updates on our Danish website.
What can I do to increase data security?
There are several things you can do to increase security and protect both your own and your customers’ data. Here are a few general suggestions:
- Keep your computer and browser up to date
- Install and update antivirus on your computer and scan regularly
- Create a strong password that you only use for EG Xena
- Enable two-factor authentication for login
More about digital security for your business
The European Cybersecurity Month
The EU's annual campaign dedicated to promoting cybersecurity among EU citizens and organisations.
Data processing agreement
The agreement describes your rights and our obligations regarding data.
Our Privacy Policy
What data we store, what it is used for and how it is handled.